Um filme muito á frente do seu tempo. Temas como racismo, obcessão e solidão, num Western único, dirigido magistralmente pelo maior mestre do cinema clássico, o mítico John Ford. Fotografado de forma deslumbrante e com uma carga emocional avassaladora. Não é por acaso que é o filme favorito de senhores como Scorsese, Lucas, Leone, Spielberg, Lean, Millius ou Tarantino. Além disso, John Wayne compõe um Ethan Edwards, ambíguo e anti-heróico, revelando o grande actor que era. Apetece mesmo citar John Millius: "quem diz que John Wayne não sabe representar é porque nunca viu The Searchers".
6 comentários:
Onde foste buscar essa informação do filme ser o preferido dessa malta toda?
além de outras fontes, foi na wikipedia. aqui ficam 2 excertos: "The 2007 American Film Institute 100 Greatest American Films list included The Searchers in twelfth place. The Searchers is a favorite of Martin Scorsese, George Lucas, Steven Spielberg, Ramesh Sippy, James Robert Baker, Quentin Tarantino and John Milius."
"The Searchers has influenced films as diverse as Taxi Driver, Star Wars, Dances with Wolves, Hardcore, The Wind and the Lion, Saving Private Ryan, and Apocalypse Now. David Lean watched the film repeatedly while preparing for Lawrence of Arabia (1962) to help him get a sense of how to shoot a landscape. The entrance of Ethan Edwards in The Searchers across a vast prairie is echoed clearly in the across-the-desert entrance of Sherif Ali in Lawrence of Arabia. Sergio Leone, a noted Ford admirer, mentioned The Searchers as one of his favorite films and referenced it in a key scene of Once Upon a Time in the West (1968). It was also referenced in a similar scene in the Bollywood film Sholay. Homage and/or allusion to The Searchers can be seen in many films. George Lucas alludes to the film in his Star Wars movies. For example, in Star Wars Episode IV: A New Hope, the burning of Luke Skywalker's home parallels visually and narratively the burning of the homestead in The Searchers; also the framing of the shots through the opening of the cave where R2-D2 is hiding, when Obi-Wan Kenobi first appears, directly matches the framing of the screen shots of Ethan Edwards' reunion with his niece, Debbie. Another direct quote comes in Star Wars Episode II: Attack of the Clones when Anakin Skywalker approaches the Tusken Raider settlement to rescue his mother, a scene which is framed in the exact same manner as Ethan Edwards surveying the Comanche camp before rescuing Debbie. The movie is referenced to by the character of Ed in the Northern Exposure episode "Soapy Sanderson" when conversing with a couple of film students on the topic of cinema technique."
Toda a razão.
Igualmente um dos meus westerns de eleição.
Olha! Também tens aqui "Filmes da Minha Vida"! ;)
Lembro-me de o ver na tv há muitos anos e por isso a minha memória do filme é muito ténue...
Off Topic: Viste o documentário sobre o Errol Flynn que deu na RTP2? Fiz um post sobre ele.
"A favorite" doesn't mean "the favorite".
"além de outras fontes" means "além de outras fontes"
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