LEONE POLÍTICO - "Politics no longer make any sense in Italy! That's why I make the films I do. We believed in mankind and mankind has let us down...As intellectuals, we have resigned ourselves, tired of the battle...Me, I live apart and don't give a damn about anything."
LEONE CINEASTA - "You can't shoot a film as if you were putting a salami into its skin. From a project like [Kurosawa's] Ran or Once Upon a Time in America, you come away dry in the mouth, with your head in flames and your soul in shreds."
LEONE CINÉFILO - "The [John] Ford film I like most of all...is also the least sentimental, The Man Who Shot Liberty Valance...Ford finally, at the age of almost sixty-five, finally understood what pessimism is all about. In fact, with that film Ford succeeded in eating up all his previous words about the West...Because Liberty Valance shows the conflict between political forces and the single, solitary hero of the West...He loved the West and with that film at last he understood it."